Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey
Since 2002 Keystone Habitats have been responsible for the delivery of all protected species mitigation and habitat clearance at Repton Park, a high profile 48ha mixed use development in Ashford, Kent. Ecological constraints on this site are:
- Great Crested Newts
- Common reptiles
- Bats
- Dormice
- Nesting birds
To date we have been responsible for:
- Creation of a newt receptor site comprising a reedbed, 3 ponds, 6 hibernacula, native scrub and wildflower meadow
- Short-term management of the newt receptor site
- Enhancement of an 11ha off-site reptile receptor site to increase its carrying capacity for reptiles translocated from the development site
- Installation of vertical and angled newt and reptile fencing, pit traps, carpet tiles and reptile refigia
- Maintenance and repair of newt and reptile fencing
- Tree and scrub clearance ahead of the development programme, including sensitive clearance during the bird nesting season
- Management of grassland within completed reptile translocation areas to prevent recolonisation by reptiles
- Destructive searches and turf stripping
Our approach saved our client £60k and we have remained one step ahead of the development programme throughout.
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Protected Species Mitigation for Brownfield Development
Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey
Since 2002 Keystone Habitats have been responsible for the delivery of all protected species mitigation and habitat clearance at Repton Park, a high profile 48ha mixed use development in Ashford, Kent. Ecological constraints on this site are:
To date we have been responsible for:
Our approach saved our client £60k and we have remained one step ahead of the development programme throughout.